normally, it's very easy to speak out the unhappy things to my frens..
but this time..I found that I dunno how to say..
The day is grey..
The day is cold..
The day is strange for me..
I feel like I'm just an outsider..
watching everything around me silently..
without any emotion fluctuation..
seems like all of them are irrelevant to me..
I'm just an outsider to the world..
Is there any place can fit me in?
Is there something/someone will notice me?
Am I....really that valueless??
I really need some confirmation..
some kind of encouragement..
some love from you..my friends..
That will me make me feel more energetic again..
And, what I need now..is the energy refill...
don't judge a book by its cover..
I always like this sayings..
but...it seems not exactly the truth to all ppl...
I miss my sun very much..
I hope that the sun shine will spread over my world soon...

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